About Us

Our farm is immersed in a rich story context in Plain of Sibary’s territory in province of Cosenza two steps away from Ionian Sea and enclosed between Sila’s mountains and Polin massif. Thanks to this environment we can have an ideal temperate microclimate which donates to the product ”unique organolletic properties in the world”

Qualità ed efficienza

Agricultural Farm is situated in a rich story context, one of the most extended archaeological areas in Italy, the ancient greek city Sybaris’s park is characterized also by a naturalistic, protect and uncontaminated environment in the strip of land wet by the Crati River. the municipalities belonging are Corigliano-Rossano and Cassano Allo Jonio (CS), thriving cities on the Ionian Sea, overlooking on the Gulf of Taranto and delimited to the nord by Polin Massif and to the south by Silan Plateau. Today Corigliano-Rossano takes the synonym of City of Clementines and boasts the most important production for quality and quantity in in the citrus landscape of the Mediterranean.
